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--> Social Media Marketing for Australian Small Businesses【電子書籍】[ Mikaela Robertson ]|これでいいのかメディア

<p>The ultimate how-to guide for any Aussie who would like to know how to make social media marketing work for their business.</p> <p>This book is here to answer your real questions and give you direction (specific and practical). It’s written for Aussie small businesses, with an understanding of your workload, your skills, your budget, your time constraints and your unique industry and customers. It’s as if you’re hiring me as your marketing consultant, and I’m going through with you one on one how to really make this social media thing work.</p> <p>In writing this book, I’ve spoken to Aussie business owners like you and been asked a heap of real questions about social media in their businesses.</p> <p>When it comes to social media, many small business owners tell me they know they should do it, but they just don’t get around to it. I’ve translated that to mean one of a few things:</p> <p>?Everyone else has told them it’s important, but they haven't experienced that 'almighty importance' for themselves.<br/>?It is too confusing trying to keep up.<br/>?It just doesn't seem to be worth the effort because they don’t see it achieving anything.<br/>?They feel like they’re wasting their time fumbling in the dark. If someone could just tell them what they actually needed to do, they’d be fine.<br/>?They don’t understand how social media actually fits into their current way of doing business ? rather than just being another extra thing to do.<br/>?They just want someone to take care of it for them, and get on with running the business.</p> <p>Can you relate to any of these?<br/>This book is not just another book about how great social media is and all the things you should be doing (but have no idea how to do). It is not here to make your life harder. Who needs that? Instead, it is my hope that by the end of this book you’ll have everything you need to get (back?) online with enthusiasm and a real plan for achievable success.</p> <p>Some of the topics covered in this book:<br/>Yes, this book answers your real questions about using social media in your business. It covers the following topics and more:<br/>?Do I need social media?<br/>?Which social media platforms do I need to be on (and which can I skip)?<br/>?Which social media platform is the best to start on?<br/>?How can I make more money with social media?<br/>?How can I do social media with the least amount of time and effort possible?<br/>?What should I post and how often?<br/>?How does advertising work and should I do it?<br/>?How do I get more followers?<br/>?How do I know if social media is working for my business?<br/>?How can I keep up with all the changes to social media?<br/>?What if something bad happens?<br/>?Many more…</p> <p>About the Author<br/>Mikaela Robertson is an independent Marketing and Communications Consultant. She works with real Aussie business owners every day. Find out more on her website at www.MikaelaRobertson.com.</p> <p>Buy the book today!<br/>Download Social Media Marketing for Australian Small Businesses today to start creating real results in your business.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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